Sunday, August 1, 2010

Songs 1-3

Anon: Virgen Madre De Dios
Apache Indian Drums
Shaman's Call
I think that the recording artists of these songs were probably trying to shed some light into what culture looked like before America was settled by Europeans. Many people look at the beginning of American as when the Europeans first showed up on the Eastern shores, but we have to remind ourselves that there was history, culture, and life in America before the Europeans came in and "settled" America. I think that these songs highlight the time and culture before the Europeans showed up, especially the songs Apache Indian Drums and Shaman's Call which seem to represent Native American culture. In which light I think they are very much part of the American story. Like I previously stated I think most people look at the beginning of America as when the Europeans showed up, but America had many thriving inhabitants before then so I think it is important to consider those people and their culture and experiences as part of the early American story.

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