Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Mayflower Questions 4 and 5

Question 4. I think there are two factors for the fall of the Pilgrims peaceful coexistence with the Indian. One- the main sachem that the Pilgrims had worked and talked to was no longer in power, and that his son had taken rein. Number two- by 1670 Plymouth and surrounding areas was becoming second generation citizens, and proposals and arrangements and faithfulness that their parents had had was quickly forgotten and overlooked. I think that while war with the Indians may not have been completely avoidable. I think that the scale and reasons could have been avoided. If the Pilgrims would have been less selfish with wanting land and remembered the relationships their parents had built with the Indians they could have avoided some major issues.

Question 5. Squanto made such a difference in history because he was really smart. He knew what cards he had in his hand and he knew how to play them to the fullest of his ability. Squanto had the upper hand on almost everybody from the beginning by being both fluent in English and the Native tongue. He also had goals that he was focused on accomplishing, and although he never accomplished what he originally had planned. He still made quite a mess. Squanto had also been to Europe, which made his knowledge of the Pilgrims far superior to that of the local sachem. However, Squanto had grown suspicious among the natives which in the end would hinder him a great deal.

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