Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Questions 6 and 8

Question 6. I think the Pilgrims children earned their bad rep from the way the handled things. For one thing they didn't appear grateful for what their parents had done, and they became selfish wanting more than what was needed (like land). So, I think that in a way their title was deserved, however I also think that the elders who would have given them this title weren't ready to see things change. The younger Pilgrims were not as strict in religious matters as their parents had been and that deeply worried the older generation. So, they were kind of labeled as being a little rebellious. I think that the denunciations of the second generation were kind of a self fullfilling prophesy because they say that the power of life and death is in the tongue. (biblical principal) So, if you speak that your children are going to fall into ruins because of the things that they are doing then they will. So, in part what happened to the Pilgrims was because they had spoken that's what was going to happen.

Question 8. In movies natives are always portrayed as being extremely violent and heathen, but they aren't. Natives have a way of living that is difficult for others to understand, that doesn't make it wrong or right. It just means that it's different. In the Mayflower we learn that the natives were willing to make peace with Pilgrims and to live side by side and at times help each other. We also learn that most of the natives at the end hadn't actually wanted to become involved in the war, and had wished to stay neutral. However, some of the images that we see today do seem to portray the natives in the Pilgrims time. In the book there were many instances in which the natives had scalped the Pilgrims after burning houses. This is still something that is commonly placed with natives today. Another thing that the Mayflower shows is the natives fascinating ability to pick up and move and thrive in another area. The natives never had permanent housing, so they could easily pick up and leave- something that would become very useful. Another things that Mayflower shows is that natives are a community like group, you wouldn't find just one Indian. They lived,worked, and thrived together. That also applied to when they were in war. The Indians did extremely well because they stayed together.

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