Monday, May 10, 2010

"I understand how our knowledge of the past is consturcted through analysis of primary sources of many kinds."

A primary source is a piece of evidence (for example diaries, biographies, letters, etc.) that was produced during the time your looking into. Primary sources are vital when it comes to looking up information for a paper, book, etc. Plus their pretty dang cool, I mean when you look at something that came from the 1800's you can't help but be amazed. Most primary sources can probably be found in libraries, museums, archives, etc. When you are looking at or investigating a primary source you can learn emotions people were having at that time, which is really cool. Or maybe how the place they lived looked geographically. Their are so many things we can learn from primary sources, so it's important that we keep them preserved and in a safe place.

This is a picture of some bottles that came from the age of New Imperialism. We can see the New Imperialism from these bottles because in the article following the picture it tells us that one of the bottles won an award at the World's Fair in 1904. This image came from a website were they are selling reprints of old paper for various purposes. This website seems credible in that they give information about their product, they are actually selling this exact artifact so, in order to be credible they would have to do some research and give the truth about their products otherwise they would loose their credibility as a company and their customers.

This is a picture of an advertisement for Pears' Soap in 1900. The advertisement explains that it is the perfect soap for cleaning all corners of the world. During which the people were conquering all corners of the world, trying to make them alike and western. I found this picture on this website. This website was created by a man with an undergraduate degree in history, who expresses great concern for history. This picture however is from this website because I couldn't download the image from the original website and see it well.

This is a picture of a piece of art created in 1913 It is an image of a Eucalyptus branch/flower. I couldn't find who the exact artist is, but the picture is part of the Milwaukee Art Museum. The reason that I picked this piece of art is because the Eucalyptus tree is mainly found in Australia with only a very few number of plants in other regions. While it's true that the artist could have been from Australia, it's highly unlikely beings that the piece of art has ended up in the U.S.. Then one would probably assume that the artist was somewhere from Europe or more likely America. Therefore in order to make this print the artist would have had to study subjects and plants from afar, flowing into the ideas of New Imperialism as people were learning and observing new cultures and countries. I believe the source I found this picture and information on the artwork reliable because it came from the website of the Milwaukee Art Museum in their catalog of artwork.

This is an image of a Kaiser receiving submission from a Chinese envoy. Although the date of this picture isn't certain. One of the gentlemen in the picture is Kaiser Wilhelm II and since Wilhelm lived from 1859-1941, around the time of the New Imperialism. We can assume that this picture is during the time of the New Imperialism. It shows the themes of New Imperialism because you can see gentlemen coming together for an event from several different nationalities including: German, Japanese, and Chinese.
I got this image from this website. I believe this website to be credible because many of the articles are created by World History scholars, and is sponsored by the college board. I also found the picture on a German website.

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