Monday, May 10, 2010

"I've learned that in many nations of the world face complex problems that they fell cannot be solved w/o international action or cooperation."

( too much pollution)

Just recently, as in like within the last month, I have learned that most countries have problems that they fell they cannot face without help. Some of these problems include pollution, trafficking, or an overflow of tourism. For instance, France is having a problem with too many tourist and illegal immigrants coming into their country. I think when looking at this problem it's easy to see why they would ask for international help. Both of these problems are directly related to the intervention of other countries help, by controlling borders and limiting the flow of travel etc. But what about a problem like pollution, most people would say that pollution is an individual countries problem, I mean it's not like China is helping pollute Costa Rica. Maybe the plea is more along the lines of "Let's find a solution and problem together, to help our country and yours." Maybe a country is having a hard time reducing their pollution because of the products they have to buy (gasoline, cars, etc.) or because of economic situations in which they cannot invest the money to improve the transportation or construction systems. So, sometimes it's not always that a country is asking for the other countries to fix their problem or make it better, but aid in ideas or financial help. ( we are tourists)

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