Monday, May 10, 2010

"I have become more knowledgable about the World."

( I was abducted from my home by the L.R.A. read this article)

I am definitely more knowledgeable about current issues now than what i was at the beginning of this year. For instance, before this year I had no idea what was happening in Uganda with the L.R.A. and how it was affecting children's lives. I also didn't how a lot of countries each have problems that they feel they can't take care of themselves. I understood that nations would come together with a situation that was related to human dignity etc, but as far as like a problem that an individual country might be having; I didn't ever think that they would reach out to other nations for help.

( "Oh! Those bloody trenches!" check this out)

There have been many events that have shaped the twentieth century. One of the main being the 1st World War which took place in the early twentieth century. At the turn of the century technology was starting to advance far beyond what people had ever imagined, but something else happened that people had never imagined too. World War 1 was something the people of Europe could never have imagined and it definitely put things into perspective for the modern world. World War 1 was one of the longest most difficult wars known to mankind, and it greatly effected the way the countries of Europe as well as others have grown as countries.

("What color are you?" buy these)

Today "race" is a topic/issue that many of us run into and encounter, whether it be somebody making fun of a race or people discriminating against a race. Unfortunately, many of us when thinking about race become uncomfortable and squeamish. It's not supposed to be that way, we aren't supposed to become that way, it shouldn't even be something we are uncomfortable to talk about, but that's the it is. I'm not going to lie, I don't like talking about race or racial issues either, but I think part of that is societies blame. I've grown up in a world where people are judged and looked upon by their skin color and chemical make up, but that doesn't make it right. Just because someone is different than yourself doesn't make that person inferior or less special it just makes them different.

("I am a turtle!" here's my pic)

There are many diverse places on the earth, places created by nature and places created by man. I myself have always been fascinated on the natural places; one of my favorite TV shows is the series Planet Earth. This amazing series ,which took several years to create, focuses on what amazing places are on the earth such as waterfalls, caves, canyons, etc. One particular geographic feature that I myself have always admired is the ocean. Even though there are several major oceans in the world all in different locations, their all kind of the same. They all bare life, and they all provide resources for humans. At the same time each ocean is different, each ocean is a home to different animals, each ocean has it own climate, and each ocean has something the other doesn't. Oceans are beautiful.

( What better example of different cultures coming together than the Olympics.)

Every country has it's own personality, every country has their own flag, every country has it's own favorite foods, places, and stars (the famous kind, not the sparkly firefly like kind). How cool is that? Every country has cultures that their known for. Look at Egypt- known for the ancient pyramids and hieroglyphics that were part of their ancient civilizations culture. Think of Japan and the samurai's that used to practically be royal. I also think that there are different opinions on what exactly culture is. To me culture is something that a country has that makes it stand out from the others, something that is unique to that country's history or way of life, or maybe even a religion. So, culture is everywhere in all parts of the world every where you look.

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