Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Unit 1: Afghanistan

My research on Afghanistan was on social customs. I believe that my research was effective. I was able to find many facts on Afghan social customs that I did not know previously to this assignment. Because there was only so much information available, I was very broad on what type of social customs that I researched. I didn't focus on just one social custom but, rather covered several social customs at once. I think in researching my topic, looking for books on the subject might have been helpful.

In a very recently published article from the New York Times, it appears that though situations in Afghanistan have gotten better since the beginning of the war there are still many things that need to be taken care of including things like: that the Taliban is still disturbing the peace. President Obama has recently released statements on his plans for helping Afghanistan to once and for all become a stable nation. Several government officials in Afghanistan are pleased at the Presidents recent decision and are ready for the changes coming.
In an article from the Christian Science Monitor there is discussion on the belief that President Obama is sending excess troops not only over for Afghanistan but, also Pakistan and that there has been force pressed on Pakistanis for greater cooperation.
These articles show that there are still turmoils occurring in Afghanistan, and that these turmoils could jeopardize some social customs. The afghan people should be careful to preserve their history and their customs, especially while things are substantially revolving around war and political issues. If the people don't save and embrace their customs now, they could lose them forever.

My opinion of Afghanistan is that it is a country that has had many struggles and obstacles, and that they are working hard to overcome them, however long it many take; even though at this particular time in history it is true that Afghanistan has needed aid from other countries to help regulate and control outside forces I believe the people are looking forward to a day when they can govern themselves. I believe that in the future, however far down the road it may be, that we will see Afghanistan as a country that can stand on it's own two feet. I believe that it would be a benefit to the Afghan government to bring their people together with a spirit of nationalism. I believe that if the people of Afghanistan had a common goal for their country and a sense of pride in what they were trying to accomplish, Afghanistan would be able to come together and beat their struggles and obstacles. It would be a similar situation to what happened in Germany and Italy in the 19th century; how the two countries were able to bring their countries together for a common cause through a sense of nationalism. Why couldn't it be the same for Afghanistan?

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