Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Monkey Business in Tennessee

Along with everything else "roaring" in the 1920's education also took off.

More and more states were starting to pass law's requiring kids to remain in school until a certain age or until they had graduated.

"Most revolutionary contribution to educational theory" during this time was Professor John Dewey ( faculty of Columbia Univ) Brought principle of " learning by doing" to light. He believed that "education for life" should be the primary goal of the teacher.

Rockefeller Foundation in the South in 1909 wiped out hookworm! Better nutrition and health care were helping to increase the life expectancy of new generations.

However, the Foundamentalists had a hard time with science and progressive education.

They claimed the teaching of Darwinism was " destroying faith in God and the Bible"

Bible Belt South ( "spirit of evangelical religion was still robust") included TN.

"Monkey Trial" John T. Scopes indicted to teaching evolution. Fundamentalist's won, but were made to look ridiculous; but was strong in the Baptist Church and in rapidly growing Churches of Christ.

Tag to Tom


  1. There are so many other "jazz age"/roaring twenties topics on this last primary source, the newspaper page -- a great illustration! Thanks for the solid review of this topic.

  2. You know, dewey was one of the first American philosophers and his idea of pragmatism is quite fascinating. A pragmatist is someone who claims that an ideology or proposition can be said to be true if and only if it works satisfactorily, that the meaning of a proposition is to be found in the practical consequences of accepting it, and that impractical ideas are to be rejected. But, Dewey was brilliant in his educational reforms as well.

  3. Yay for no more hookworm! I really liked your pictures and how you shortened the section and made it quick to review and entertaining. Great job!

  4. Victoria.
    I really like your blog. The pictures help to understand the section. I really enjoyed how short you made the section, and how you just told the main ideas. Awesome job!

  5. NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! To think that we had a chance to NOT learn science!!!!! *cries*... oh well, I'll deal. The overall population needs it, especially the people who actually enjoy it... I'm glad that the whole argument about Darwinism v. Religion is not such a hot topic anymore because it's annoying when people don't realize they can believe in evolution and not contradict their faith -_-. Oh well, at least hookworm is mostly gone ^^
    Good post Victoria!

  6. Did you know a hookworm is a roundworm infestation affecting the small intestine and lungs. Rockefeller Foundation best be getting rid of that hookworm!

  7. Dewey was right on with his belief in "education for life". It seems now America has fallen into the habit of endless homework without realizing the practical purposes for real life that Dewey was trying to show.

  8. I agree, the "education for life" philosiphy is awesome. Learning is awesome, and learning for your future life iven more awesome. Good post, Victoria. It's silly a man actually went on trial for teaching science. That's just silly. And Alexis, yes, yay for no more hookworm!

  9. Victoria i miss your Disney pictures !!!! haha but great job.. What would we just do without school? Good explanation :)

  10. Great post Victoria! Your post went very in-depth into the history of education, and health care. By the way, what happened to the Disney pictures? I liked the pictures you have, but still. Fun fact, did you know that the "monkey trial" was really just a publicity stunt? I am not kidding! The whole trial was just a way to get tourists!!

  11. Sorry about the lack of Disney pictures guys :( I was going to put them on there, but Mrs. Lawson's wanted primary sources and I was in serious need of some sleep last night! lol I will fix it soon! Maybe a post on some of my fav Disney movies soon! :D
