Monday, December 7, 2009

Unit 3: Urbanization & Industrialization

During the industrial revolution many new things started changing, that many people had never seen or thought of before. Inventors started coming up with new inventions to help daily life, companies were coming up with more efficient ways to produce goods, and cities were starting to be planned as opposed to just being thrown together. People were starting to move towards the cities for work, and slowly there would start to be fewer people considered poor. In the past, there had been two main classes in society; nobles and peasants, but now because of the cities changes more and more people were able to enter the middle class. There were however some negatives to all the new changes is the city. Because inventors were just now trying out new inventions in factories, some inventions were dangerous and could harm the workers operating them. As I mentioned before though, people in cities were starting to come out of financial poverty, because goods were becoming easier to produce so, companies started lowering their prices; leaving low income families with some wiggle room in their budget since they could now afford essential items.

I think it would be really neat to live in Paris, France. The city looks so beautiful and they have a lot of culture. I love the architecture in this city, every building is unique and special. According to an article off of the website destination 360 France has the best food and wine in the world. In the article it says that when looking for a meal you have to be careful about what time of day it is. Apparently French restaurants are pretty picky about what times they serve food, they only serve complete meals at certain times of the day. From the same website I found an article on the shopping in Paris. I love to shop, and to be in a place like Paris would be amazing for me. For shopping, Paris is the capitol of the world. According to this article shopping in Paris can be done on any budget. You can visit the designer boutiques, the department stores, or even a flea market.The one downfall of Paris would definitely be that I don't speak French. I would more than likely have to have an interpreter with me to make my stay enjoyable, but other than that I think Paris would be awesome!!! :)


  1. *Gasp*! I picked Paris too! Isn't it amazing?!

  2. I love this! it is so cute and I like the colors you used! All your information is so helpful and you obviouly learned alot! You deserve a 100 :)
