Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Progressive Era Conservation/Land Use Acts

Desert Land Act (1877)

Federal Goverment sold arid land cheaply on condition that the purchaser would irrigate the soil within three years.

Forest Reserve Act (1891)

Authorized president to set aside public forests as national parks and other reserves.

Carey Act (1894)

Distribute federal land to the states on the condition that it be irrigated and settled.

("Give a little more than you take"- song)

Newlands Act (1902)

With this act Washington was authorized to collect money from the sale of public lands in the western states and then use the funds for the development of irrigation projects.

[All acts under TR admin]

The progressives view of nature were split into three categories; those who wanted to preserve nature for beauty, those who wan't to use natures resources not caring about beauty, and those who wanted to preserve nature's beauty and use her resources.

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